Saturday, 21 November 2015

And so the end is nigh

My Florence Nightingale Scholarship is coming to an end and it has been a fabulous opportunity to self-reflect, learn and make decisions.

My original project was to look at new roles to provide support to people with dementia and their carers to remain at home for as long as possible and prevent unnecessary Hospital admissions. I have been successful in achieving these and our fabulous staff commenced these roles in October and have been outstanding with their commitment and energy. They are not alone, supported by  a strong and dedicated community nursing workforce.

For me- the learning has been immense. Whilst I have achieved the remit of my project this is just the beginning. It might be the end of the FN Scholarship but it’s just the beginning if our journey in improving the care we provide to dementia patents and their families. My Dad always says the “World is your Lobster” which says a lot about his sense of humour- well the World is definitely our Lobster.
When one reflects and considers your own journey you have to appreciate that you cannot achieve anything alone. Some of the best leaders are those who are able to show humility and accept help from others. Whilst I do believe that one person can change the World, together is stronger, kinder and much more fun.

And what of my personal journey. It’s been very hard balancing the challenges of work with my own personal experiences of being a carer, mum and wife with more emotional and challenging personal issues arising on an almost weekly basis. But it’s also been extremely worthwhile. Being in Australia heightened my learning as well as being the first real break I’ve had for 5 years and it was an absolute pleasure to meet colleagues from across the globe and be challenged both professionally and personally. Back to the cold and wet and even snow of England but back home to those who love me and need me and to a wonderful population who deserve to be fought for, held in high esteem and ultimately to teach us the value of caring.

Thank you Florence Nightingale Foundation  

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